Date: 06-20-2020
Every day news headlines bombard us with shocking and traumatic stories of suffering, violence and political scandal. It takes a toll, not only on the victims, but also those of us who consume the mainstream media and its narratives. Even trying to find positive news stories online is discouraging because the uplifting news stories are usually overshadowed by depressing news. It should come as ...
Date: 06-08-2020
“Not all of us can do great things. But, we can do small things with great love.” (Mother Teresa)
Throughout her life, Mother Teresa was guided by compassion which she embodied through serving “the poorest of the poor.” While not all of us are saints, a single word or ev ...
Date: 06-05-2020
A Wish. To feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable. A wish can really make someone’s day. From making Alladin a prince to Willy Wonka making a life-changing decision to help a little boy. As of 2018, there are more than 200 million wishes needed to be granted in the world. That means that there are more than 200 million people eagerly waiting fo ...